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About Ageless Iron Almanac Magazine

Get the Ageless Iron Almanac delivered straight to your door! Collect inside scoops on tractor values as Dave Mowitz helps you get your best deal at auction. Gain side-splitting wit and wisdom from your favorite iron man, Lee Klancher. Experience step-by-step restoration how-tos to help you keep your iron looking great and running smooth. Encounter stories about tractors and the owners who love them - guaranteed to warm your heart. Every issue is packed with history, humor, and stories about antique farm equipment exclusively from the editors of Successful Farming magazine. Receive in-depth histories of America's greatest tractors- Farmalls, Deeres, Cases, Masseys, and all your other favorites. Whether you're a serious collector or just love old farm machinery, no other publication brings you timely, up-to-the-minute help like Ageless Iron Almanac!

Ageless Iron Almanac, published by Dotdash Meredith, currently publishes 4 times annually. Your first issue mails in 3-8 weeks.

5.0 star rating

Great Magazine with great articles

Great Magazine with great articles


5.0 star rating

Great farm and antique tractor

Great farm and antique tractor magazine. I really enjoy the stories and pictures

Jon J.