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82+ Tried, Rated & Reviewed Recipes

The Mediterranean encompasses a large swath of flavors and cuisines. And we have them all in one spot in this special edition of Allrecipes magazine. There's no shortage of delicious dishes-nearly 90 recipes-inspired from Mediterranean countries including Morocco, Italy, Greece, France, and Lebanon. Every recipe comes from world's largest community of home cooks. Ladle up cozy comforts such as silky avgolemono soup and spiced red lentil curry. Twirl and swirl pasta dishes like ratatouille pappardelle or scallop-topped fettuccine. Dive into best-loved dips and sauces such as cooling tzatziki and red-hot harissa. Then finish off the night with sweets such as orange phyllo cake or Italy's beloved cuccidati. When you can't get to the Med, these recipes are the next best thing.