Revisit a Classic
A chilling portrait of power, family ties, and offers that cannot be refused, The Godfather is much more than a mob movie or a tale of Sicilian bonds. It's a harsh tale of America and, ultimately, the origins - and downfalls - of success, that's widely regarded as one of the best films ever produced. This new LIFE special edition explores how the Godfather assumed his name, studies the beginnings of unmatched cinematic triumph, and marvels at the enduring influence of one distinctly American success story. Fifty years after the publication of the best-selling novel, many of its classic lines still reverberate throughout our collective pop culture consciousness. The actors - many of whom are now regarded as some of the best in the business - would go on to embody some of the most iconic characters in film history. Both biblical and Shakespearean, The Godfather is an American industry unto itself and a parable for our nation.