Move beyond exercise to embrace your best life
Decades of defining health simply in terms of the body, like focusing on often-limited fad diets and exercise routines, have finally evolved into something much more profound and holistic. Body, meet Mind and Soul. To help introduce the profound and vast world of wellness, the editors at SHAPE bring you the new special edition "Total Well-Being," a modern guide to living a full and balanced life. Begin this transformative journey by harnessing the power of the mind with chapters like "Take a Deep Breath" and "The New Rules of Motivation," plus learn how to "Sleep Better, Not Longer," what to do "When Stress Won't Quit," and how to "Power-Train Your Brain." Then, explore new scientific insights into what your body needs in "Consider Eating for Health and Happiness," discovering a supernutrient in "Fiber for the Win," and "Putting Age on Ice" before bringing it all together with "The Total Body + Mind Workout." Lastly, tend to the soul by building "Confidence to Spare," developing a deeper understanding of "Mindful Beauty," exploring the healing properties of "Essential Oils: Liquid Gold," and considering travel destinations sure to serve and soothe your whole self. "Total Well-Being" explores how profound, often ancient ideas and practices have evolved in our modern era, and how you can benefit from technology that increases your ability to measure, track, and optimize the growth and strengthening of your mind, body, and soul.