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Verywell: ADHD

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ADHD A new Understanding

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can cause problems with attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. In a world full of distractions, managing this chronic problem can be daunting. This special edition of VERYWELL provides a comprehensive overview of ADHD, from signs and symptoms to diagnosis to living with the disorder, providing the tools you need to understand your own or your child¿s ADHD. This accessible, research-driven edition explores the complex set of symptoms associated with ADHD, how ADHD presents differently for girls and boys, and why so many adults go undiagnosed. It also dives into the world of diagnosis: how ADHD is assessed, what you can do after being diagnosed, and how to find the right treatment. This special edition also provides a wide variety of things you can do to help manage your ADHD, such as taking supplements, avoiding food dyes and refined carbohydrates, and practicing self-compassion. VERYWELL ADHD is a must-have for parents of a child with ADHD, as well as for anyone who is struggling with the disorder.