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EatingWell: Gut Health

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Nutrition Essentials

Why am I bloated? What's a microbiome? Are my bathroom habits normal? Should I take a probiotic? What even is gut health? This special edition of EatingWell answers all of your gut-related questions in an easy-to-understand and straightforward way. Featuring science-backed articles, this special edition is packed with valuable information from doctors and registered dietitians about the microbiome, fiber, and supplements. You'll learn about the science behind gut health and how it can affect everything from your immune system and digestion to sleep and mental health. It suggests important lifestyle changes and techniques you can master to improve your gut health and overall well-being. Sample some gut-friendly foods with 30 unique recipes to support healthy digestion, including a loaded black-bean nacho soup, mustard-green kimchi fried rice, and blueberry-lemon energy balls. Interested in tackling your IBS with food? This special edition also dives into diets such as low-FODMAP and GAPS to give you all the information you need to succeed.