Whether your interest in various animals and horses is professional or part of a hobby, there's no better way to learn more than with a general interest animal journal. Increase your knowledge in history, animal biology, and current discoveries through one of our journals for animal sciences.
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If you're looking for a journal of American horses about the professional world of horse care, farriers, and veterinarians, a subscription to American Farriers Journal is for you. For an up-close look at current topics, horse care products and mechanics, and information for service buyers, this journal carries the news and history of horse care. Whether you're an experienced farrier, equine veterinarian, or would like to learn how to care for horses, you can find helpful information from DIY, basic hoof and horse care instructions, and hoof care tool tips to make your job easier. This journal has eight issues a year, ensuring you'll receive updates and new information year-round.
In-depth information is useful for professionals, but if you enjoy the beauty and power of horses, you may want broader or more beginner information. You may be searching for a journal publication that deals less with the professional aspects of horse care and more with horses' history, biology, and general care. The one-time publication of Life: Horses provides a wealth of information on horses and is an exceptional collector's item for those who enjoy horses and information on different breeds.